Express assignment of reviewers for a PhD thesis defense committee




reviewer assignment problem, express assignment, natural language processing, categorization, discrete optimization, data analysis, Dimensions


Today PhD thesis defense committee are formed manually. This causes both corruption risks and significant time spent on searching and analyzing candidates with a high chance of missing qualified opponents. Therefore, there is an interest in automating the formation of committees, which would allow to eliminate the mentioned risks of the human factor. The paper focuses on the express committee assignment when there is a need to narrow down a large list of candidates. The resulting short list can be analyzed either manually or processed by a fine-grained assignment procedure which is resource consuming and requires a much larger volume of initial information than the express assignment. A method of assigning a team of reviewers based on their relevance to the topic of the thesis is proposed, which, unlike the isolated assignment of candidates, takes into account the ability of the team of reviewers to jointly evaluate the work in terms of all aspects of its topic. The method is balanced in terms of assignment quality and resource costs criteria for the search of committee members. The method consists of 3 stages. At the first stage, the thesis and potential committee members are categorized by representing their topics with vectors in the space of research specialties from ANZSRC-2020. At the second stage, the level of correspondence of candidates to the topic of the thesis is calculated, taking into account the affinity of the research specialties of ANZSRC-2020. At the third stage, the committee is assigned, which corresponds to the topic of the thesis to the maximum possible extent. To implement the third stage, several optimization algorithms are proposed. Algorithm testing on the generated dataset of 67 PhD theses showed that the best balance in terms of assignment quality and resource costs criteria for team search provides a greedy algorithm without elitism and a complete search on a truncated set of candidates. As a result of the optimization, it was possible to improve the composition of committees by an average of 13-34%, depending on the type of algorithm used.


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How to Cite

Штовба, С. and Петричко, М. 2024. Express assignment of reviewers for a PhD thesis defense committee. Ukrainian Journal of Information Systems and Data Science. 1 (Oct. 2024), 41–62. DOI: