Methods of solving the problem of stock management based on neuro-associative learning and reinforcement learning




neuro-associative learning, learning with reinforcement, inventory management, bounded Cauchy machine, Q-learning method, the SARSA method


Today, the development of intelligent methods aimed at solving inventory management problems is an urgent task. Many modern companies use the technology of constraint theory to improve and optimize their business processes, which provides dynamic inventory buffer management and is used for supply chain management. The aim of the work is to improve the efficiency of inventory management through neuro-associative learning based on the constrained Cauchy machine and reinforcement learning based on Q-learning and SARSA. To achieve this goal, a method based on a constrained Cauchy machine for inventory buffer management, a method based on Q-learning, and a method based on SARSA for general inventory management tasks are created. The proposed neural network model of the constrained Cauchy machine has a hetero-associative memory with no capacity limitations and provides high accuracy for inventory buffer management. The model uses the Cauchy distribution, which improves the convergence of the parametric identification method by comparison with the traditional restricted Boltzmann machine. Compared to the full Cauchy machine, the constrained Cauchy machine allows working with a larger memory size. Modification of the Q-learning and SARSA methods by means of dynamic parameters allows to increase the learning speed at a given level of the mean square error. Computational experiments have shown that controlling the importance of the reward, the learning rate parameter, and the parameter for e--greedy approach for the
Q-learning and SARSA methods allows making the solution search more global at the initial stages and more local at the final stages. The proposed methods allow expanding the scope of neuro-associative learning and reinforcement learning, which is confirmed by their adaptation for inventory management tasks, and contributes to the efficiency of intelligent computer systems for general and special purposes. Prospects for further research are the application of the proposed methods to other decision-making tasks, including the ones in the field of artificial intelligence.


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How to Cite

Федоров, Є. , Уткіна, Т. and Нечипоренко, О. 2024. Methods of solving the problem of stock management based on neuro-associative learning and reinforcement learning. Ukrainian Journal of Information Systems and Data Science. 1 (Oct. 2024), 63–77. DOI: